

The Quick Version
I am pretty sure an "about" section is unnecessary for my blog, but when I am browsing a new blog I like to be able to get a quick feel for the blog and writer so here it goes.

To sum it up quickly I'm a recently graduated first generation college grad. (I recognize the redundancy of that sentence, I'm still trying to word it better.) This is a place where I write about whatever comes to my mind while I figure out exactly who I am and what I want to to.

There are some details that I occasionally reference in this blog that can be confusing. I have tried to some them u below.


When I was 21 J (22) and I knew everything. We got married, and started our plans for a perfect life together. This life involved J as a soldier while I finished school. About 3 weeks later we realized how much we didn't know. Most importantly we realized the the army was not were we belonged, that we were morally opposed to much of what they do and that our value system made it impossible to be affiliated with such an organization.

I started this blog as an outlet because we were being threatened into silence and I needed to talk about it but I was too scared. Since then it has evolved into my reflections, and thoughts as J and I start life over and recalibrate our moral compasses to find our own True North. (Probably cheesy but I don't care.)

Much of this blog has nothing to do with that and is just about me being 23. I write about where I am, where I want to be. I poke fun at myself, I contemplate things. I write ridiculously silly stories that happened to me.  I just write what I write. So that's the background for this blog in case anyone needed it.