
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Boring Little Update

I can't sleep so I thought I might come here and try to c;ear my mind. I don't really have anything to write so I thought I'd check in with my new years Resolutions. I haven't had a bad first week.

Lose 1o lbs, At the beginning of the week I was off to an OK start, but I was sabotaged w/ a company dinner, a lack of low fat foods half way through the week and getting out of a movie too late to make dinner, I plan to create this weeks menu ahead of time to avoid a repeat of that.

Read 10 books- To be honest a younger version of myself would be horrified that 10 books is my goal. i used to read that in a month, but life has been crazy and I'm a huge believer in setting only realistic expectations for myself. I finished one this week and started another. I really want to get a library card, maybe today I will. If I do not though, I have a lot of reading material here. J has books I'd like to read and I have a ton of anthologies with good stories in them I've never read I feel like I should read them first but I would also like to read something other than a classic now and then.

Go back to church- I tried on last week. Everyone was nice but I am looking for a younger environment. This week I am going to try one in Boston because I really think that's where I will find a younger crowd. 

Get the dogs out for longer walks- I accomplished this almost everyday this week, I'm so proud of me and J . It requires getting up super early on days that we are tired but I feel we owe it to them. 

Practice piano- I didn't do this at all this at all last week. I will do it today though. I feel like checking in weekly may be very helpful to my long term success. 

Be more organized. It was my first 40 hour week in 3 months so this wasn'y a huge priority of mine, But I feel I did all right.

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