
Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Survey thing

I found this on a very neat blog I really liked it so I did it as well.

Part 1~~ 2010 questions:

1. What was your most significant accomplishment in 2010?  

Graduating from college

2. Is there any one choice you made that you would change in 2010?

I don't really think so. The most frustrating thing about the past 2 years of my life has been that I make really good, well thought out decisions and then lots of things happen after the fact that make the decisions seem like a bad on, but it was a good one at the time. (I have no idea if that makes any sense.) 

3. What was your favorite band/singer in 2010?

I have enjoyed being back in a play that has radio stations that play good music! I've been listening to a lot of Kings of Leon, Glee soundtrack stuff, Muse and Mumford and Sons and other things

4. What was your favorite movie of 2010?

Hmm, I really enjoyed Despicable Me and Toy Story 3 and of course the new Harry Potter. I'm trying to think of good serious movies I saw this year, but nothing comes to mind. 

5. What is your favorite food/dish in 2010?

Well Tacos will always be a favorite, and I perfected my home made pizza technique this year. Beyond that J and I learned how to make some excellent egg rolls and I got a crock pot for Christmas 2009 that served me incredibly well this past year.

6. Favorite Restaurant in 2010?

Salas when we were in OK, Sunset Cantina now that we're in Boston

7. Favorite and worst tv show in 2010?

Favorite: I am a bog fan of Netflix and Hulu that let me watch old episodes or cancelled shows. This I discovered and became obsessed with Dexter, waited patiently for Parks and Recreation to return to the air, and discovered at the recommendation of J's old professor a cancelled show called Firefly that is as ridiculous and quirky as it is awesome. 

Worst: I really don't know because I watch TV exclusively online, we started some shows and didn't really care for them but I doubt they were the worst shows on TV. 

8. Favorite Clothing Store in 2010?

I shopped at because the price is right and I know what my sizes are, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite.

9. Favorite activity in 2010?

hiking, blogging, working, MOVING!

10. Describe yourself in 5 words for 2010.
frustrated, optimistic, maturing, exploring, nurturing (I realize I should probably choose more adjectives and fewer verbs but oh well.)

11. Your style in 2010?

Plan t shirts and plan jeans. There is no point to having nice clothes when your a nanny to busy boys.

12. Most common sounds in your home in 2010?

The pups barking

13. What's on your bedside table in 2010?

a glass of water, cough drops, tissues

14. Your favorite thing hanging on your wall in 2010?

My college degree I'm very proud of it

15. What kind of calendar did you own in 2010?

A New Hampshire calender and a New England calender

16. What was the first thing you did when you got up in the morning in 2010?

Probably took Numa outside

17. What is the most expensive thing you owned in 2010?

My car or my engagement ring I'm not actually sure which is worth more

18. What item you own holds the most value for you in 2010?

This is a strange question to me because there are lots of different ways to define value but i'm going to say the picture of my family on Christmas Day 2008 will always be very near and dear to me.

19. Your favorite book of 2010?

Sadly, I haven't read as much as I would like Oryx and Crake and The Year of The Flood by Margaret Atwood were my favorites. I am sitting on pins and needles waiting for the 3rd one.

Part 2 ~~ Your life

1. If you could change one life choice you made, what would it be?

In my entire life? I would have waited a few more years to get married but it's alright we're making it work

2. Who (in your life)  are you are most like?


3. Who is the most influential person in your life?

This year was Melissa for sure. She taught me a lot about the delicate balancing act between when to stand your ground and yell and when it's not worth it. She taught me a lot more about what is important in life and what is just stuff. 

4. Name 3 best friends you have had in your lifetime. (And tag em' if they're friends!)


5. Favorite family heirloom?

I think the only one I have is a hand mirror from my great grandmother. Oh and I have a ring from my grandmother I would like to have sized to my finger someday.

6. Favorite childhood keepsake?

My journals

7. What's your dream job, and are you
doing it?

I don't know what my dream job is yet,  but I very much enjoy what I'm doing right now. Anytime I am helping people and feeling fulfilled I'm happy

8. If you didn't have to work for $$ what would you do with your time?

I would donate my time to charities especially ones that involve better education for children, other than that I would just have more time to spend on reading and writing and other things I already do.

9. What are you most thankful for in 2010?

Being back home with my family

10. What celebrity do you admire in 2010?

Admire is too strong of a word, but every episode I am just stunned at how talented Chris Colfer (Kurt) from Glee is.

Part 3~~ This Year (2011)

1. If you won the lottery this year, what would you spend it on??
Pay off debts, help family pay off debts, save enough to get J through Law School and me through a Masters program, donate money to charities, who knows

2. What do you want to change about your life in 2011?

I need to get back on track financially because 3 months out of work was pretty awful, once that's over I just want to make some friends and have some fun.

3. What do you want to accomplish in 2011?

I want a year that is more relaxing than the last 3 have been.

4. Describe in 5 words what kind of person you want to be in 2011?

confident, capable, happy, relaxed, responsible

5. What is one quality you want to change about yourself in 2011?

I'm pretty happy with myself as I am, but I'd like to have fewer panic attacks.

6. What is your new years resolution for 2011? (If you have one?)

I don't take New Years resolutions seriously but I still have them so here they are

-lose 10 lbs, 
-read 10 books
- go back to Church
-be more organized
-get the dogs out for longer walks
-practice piano more often

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