
Saturday, November 12, 2011


So lots of people do thankful fb statuses during November. I prefer to do it this way.

1-I'm thankful for my understanding husband who is incredible patient with me.

2-I'm thankful for my health.

3- I'm thankful for my new job!

4- I'm super thankful that I live in New England again!

5- I'm thankful to hear good news from a friend.

6- I'm thankful for my new apartment.

7-I'm thankful for my pups and how happy they make me.

8- I'm thankful for my family.

9- I'm thankful for chai tea.

10- I'm thankful to live in a city that allows me so many opportunities.

11-I'm thankful for friends to go out with!

12- I am thankful for a well stocked freezer and a 2011 that has been SO MUCH better than 2010. I'm so happy to finally be able to ring IN a new year instead of tell the old one not to let the door hit it on the way out.

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