
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here I am, half way through another week. Exhausted, I bit off more than I could chew yet again this semester. Going back to school as a real adult is seriously tiring and difficult. I have serious respect for anyone who does it.

My Bible as Lit class is super interesting. I actually like the Old Testament as ancient literature much better than I like it as doctrine. I also like reading parts of the Bible straight through. I might make that a resolution. Actually I have not articulated an of my New Years Resolutions this year so I will do that here.

1-lose 20 lbs. My goal is 1 lb per week. I haven't weighted my self in a few days so I don't know how well I am doing.

2- Write an entire book, or an entire book of poems, I have the ideas in my head, it's just about getting them where they need to be. This is the one I really need to work on more.

3-Save $1000.00 It's been a long time since I have been able to put money away so I will start small.

4-Exercise 4 times per week. So far I rode my bike to work once this week. Yeah, not doing so well with this one yet.

5-Read 30 books this year. So far I have read two one was Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood and was awesome. The other I read for a book club. It was called In Another Man's Bed and was awful. Well that is all I have for now, time to get the little man fed and ready for school.

Hopefully I will do this more this year also.

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