
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Settling in and Making Plans

So things are beginning to come together in my little world. As it turns out, my apartment has a floor and not just and endless array of boxes! We still have a long ways too go before it really feel like a home, but it's getting there. I hung up most of our pictures today which always brings the place together and makes it feel more inviting.

I have two jobs now, and I am seriously hoping that coordinating between the two will not be a nightmare. As long as the coordination works out alright then this is good. When we were planning the move James and I sat down and decided that we each needed to make '$X' per week for this to work, and I will be in that number range. Yeah go me! Things are looking good for James too so life is pretty peachy.

I began the process of looking at grad schools last week. The idea of applying to grad school is scaring the crud out of me. I think because there are only two schools in the area that offer a Masters degree in what I want to take. BLAH! That makes me really nervous, I think I might apply to other schools with slightly different programs as well I am still at least a little bit torn on what I want to do with my life. By the time I figure it out I will be old and gray. Oh life why are you so complicated?

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