
Monday, August 23, 2010

NY Times Article is Bugging me.

I am not sure if I love or hate this ^ article. It's all about how everyone is "taking the scenic route" through life and how people in their 20's are all adult-children. I like the article for because it makes me feel like I am living life right on schedule, for the first time ever. I hate it because I like feeling like I'm an original. I am also generally annoyed with the writers tone. Does he assume no one in their 20's will be reading his article?

The part of the article that I related to most was the part in which he talks about people in this age group acting like adults in some ways but not in others. I feel this way all the time. Babysitting is not an "adult" job, but it is real adult responsibility. I also hate being insured through James because it makes me feel like he's my dad and grosses me out. I realize that's silly and even if my job had benefits I could still be insured through him. But regardless it makes me feel like a child.

I realized recently how much more of an adult I felt like in OK. Part of the reason for this is the low, low cost of living in OK. In general though, I feel like I was treated like an adult more there, probably because people take on adult roles like marriage and full time jobs there. As I am writing this I am noticing that the "emerging adulthood" he talks about in the article is non-existent in Lawton. And once again this is a post to nowhere, but I feel less confused now. It's so interesting to me how overwhelming anxiety can seem until I write my anxious feelings down. Once they are written somewhere I think "wait THAT's what I was worried about." OMG I am rambling.

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