
Friday, November 5, 2010

More Thankfulness

November 4- I am thankful for my family. I know this is coming late but I knew that I was going to write about it  at some point so I figured I would write some less cliche things first. I wrote the other day about how much my dad works. I have always been every thankful for that. I am also thankful for how incredibly close knit my family is. What this essentially means is that we all annoy the heck out of each other on a very regular basis, but we also will stand by each other no matter what. I think it's a decent trade off.

November 5- To be very honest I am having a lot of trouble being thankful today. I'm not grumpy exactly, I'm just not exactly feeling grateful. That being said I am incredibly thankful that I live in New England again. I missed my family around the holidays and I am generally happier here.

View of Lake Winnipesaukee in NH from Mnt. Major

Really, is there anything not to love about this view?

November 6- I'm thankful for every life lesson about money that has contributed to me actually surviving this broken collar bone and resulting unemployment.

November 7- Today I am thankful for my health. This is another one that I knew I would write about eventually. It seems a little silly to me to write this with a broken collar bone, but that's very different than poor health. Before I broke my collar bone I was working as an in home aid for a child with cerbal palsy. He was a very sweet very happy child. He made me realize how little I have to complain about. (See I'm getting more thankful as the days go on.)


  1. When you wake up every day and you find that you're still alive, be thankful for that too:) even if you're broke and miserable, be thankful for the gift you still have: your health.

    P.S: lovely picture! Is that New England?

  2. The picture is from New Hampshire. I try to be thankful everyday, this Thankfulness challenge is really helping.
