
Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Look Like a Five Year Old. Booo!

I had an interview yesterday. It went reasonably well but I’m not going to say too much lest I jinx myself. At this point in my life I am a very skilled interviewee. I make a decent amount of money as a babysitter. Many parents like to interview sitters once or twice before actually leaving them alone with their children.  So I am interviewed almost weekly. It’s pretty cool because I used to have a paralyzing fear of interviews and now I really am not even slightly bothered by them.

Still there is a problem. While the interview itself is easy for me, getting dressed for the interview is a nightmare. There are two main problems. The first is that I look like a ten year old. I’m not kidding. Actually I am kidding, but only a little. In realty I look like I’m about 17 years old. I have been carded, recently trying to watch an R rated movie in theaters. I have been asked by the people at the gas station if I am old enough to be driving. When  handing in job applications I am regularly asked if I am aware that you have to be 18 to apply to that particular job. It takes a bit of a toll on my self esteem.

The second problem is really just a part of the same problem. That is that I dress like a 5 year old. There are many reasons for this. Growing up I never had a lot of money so I never was able to buy fashionable clothes. After 20+ years of not being able to buy fashionable clothes I wouldn’t know how to. I have a system. Jeans and plan colored T Shirts. I’m talking about shirts you could easily buy in 3 packs, at Wal-Mart.  If it’s winter I wear long sleeves, if it’s summer I wear short sleeves. Usually this works out fine for me because I am either running to class, running home to change before work, or just chilling with people who are used to me looking like a 5 year old. Usually I wear some ridiculous uniform for work, and mom’s of kids I babysit assume that I am only wearing what I am wearing so that I can paint, glue, make sand castles, be spit up on, and whatever else without worrying about my clothes.

So getting dressed for an interview is very difficult. It usually involves me going to a store, second guessing my chooses a lot and feeling guilty for spending money on a job I may or may not get. I spend so much time trying to figure out if glasses or contacts make me look older, and why my sister insist that running my hair through two hot plates will in anyway be a good thing. I have no clue how to wear make- up and I am still using up the make-up I bought for my wedding. As you can imagine though, wedding make-up is not really interview make-up.

The whole process makes me frustrated because I know I am competent, but I feel like if my employer thinks I look like I’m 7 they are going to write me off no matter what my competence level is. Anyways, my sister came to my rescue and I’m pretty sure I looked my age yesterday. Yeah!!!


  1. I'm leaving to work now, and all I wanted to say is thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I'm following you now, and be sure that I'll always visit and comment on your blog :)

    Lovers' Shore

  2. Wow, I have that same problem, although, it seems like you might have it a little worse than I do.

    What if you buy one or two outfits that make you look more mature/adult, and use those on the interviews you go to? That way, you're not constantly buying things that will make you feel guilty about spending money, and you'll have something nice to wear to the interviews.

    Either way, I hope you got the job!

  3. Hey Grizzly Girl,

    I probably should have mentioned that I only go for an interview every few years or so, and by then the clothes I bought the last time I had an interview are usually very beat up and I'm in need of new clothes. I will take your advice as soon as I get some money, because never having adult clothes to wear is getting ridiculous. LOL.

  4. Hi Cristi!
    I'm pretty sure you decided to flat iron your own hair for you last interview you goober. I have no idea whether it makes you look older or not, but having well managed hair does make you look more put-together. :)
