
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Working with Dad

My dad has a maintenance business that he owns. He is busy and I am still in need of more work so I have been helping him this week.

One thing I've realized is how much of a security blanket I am used to sleeping with. I usually sleep near the wall with J closer ro the door. Our faithful pup likes to sleep next to his side of the bed and our big dog takes his place across the doorway. I never realized how protected that made me feel until I tried to sleep without it. I mean, I lived in this house four 15 years, you would think I could sleep in it comfortably.

I have been sleeping about 5 hours a night and doing a full day of physical work. I feel completely dead. Then I am woken from my sleep by the sound of my dad coming home. You see he has never been able to get hid business big enough to afford health insurance on his own, so in addition to working days he works nights full time got the insurance benefit. He works like every waking moment of his life to get by. It's inspiring, depressing, and very very meaningful to me.

I hope to update this later, but it's been a long time sense I updated and I really depend on writing to keep my head level.


  1. Thank you for the comment on my blog, i appreciate you comming by :)
    Does writing seem to help you think things out at all?

  2. Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog. Writing really does help me work things out in my head because things never seems as scary in written form as they do in my head.

  3. Wow! I comend your dad for working that much. I know I couldn't do it. :)
