
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Unusual Laundry Detergent

The city I live in is heavily populated with college students and recent college grads. There are many colleges in this area ranging from the very prestigious to a large variety of tech schools and it spans the spectrum in between. This means that I live around a very odd and unpredictable cross section of people. I enjoy this ever changing environment if for no other reason, because I will never run out of stories to tell. 

Last week I was at the laundry mat. My clothes has just finished their cycle in the washer so I was moving them over to the dryer. As I was a 20 something year old guy started loading his clothes into the washer right next to me. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was pouring something from a glass jar into the washing machine. I try very hard to be a good little hippie (although I fail miserable) and I make my own all purpose cleaners so I really gave very little thought this at first. I assumed he could make his own detergent, or maybe he's like me and buys huge amounts of detergent at one time from BJ's (told you I'm a bad hippie) and that large bottle is way to big to carry so he moves it to something smaller. 

I loaded my first load of clothes into a dryer and turned to get the second load out of the washer. At this point I realized that the liquid he was using was a green/ yellow color and pretty watery. I was super curious to I stole another glance and that's when I saw it. The green label with pickles on it. As I stared I couldn't help but notice how much the liquid resembled pickle juice. Then I thought to myself. If I made home made detergent that looked THAT much like pickle juice I would defiantly store it in something other than a pickle jar. 

So now I am somewhat convinced that this guy washes his clothes with pickle juice. The longer I live here the harder it is to shock me.

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